Q: How do I get a marriage license?

A. There are three simple steps that you need to follow:

Please see "Guide to Getting Married in Florida" for detailed steps on getting married in Florida.  

Q: How do I apply for a marriage license if I'm in the hospital?

A. A few of the counties have online marriage applications.  The steps of obtaining the marriage license online are similar: 

After the county clerk receives your online application and fee, they will email you and request a day and time to schedule an online video meeting.  

Both partners MUST be present when having this meeting.  

Once the meeting is complete, the county clerk will email you a final marriage license, this is what must be signed by an official at your wedding ceremony to make your marriage legal as per the state. 

Q: Can I have my wedding at night?

A. Definitely!  

I can officiate your wedding at anytime of the day or night.  There is an additional fee for night ceremonies.  

Please refer to the A La Carte section for the additional fee.  

Q: Will you plan the wedding reception too?

A. Unfortunately, I am only a wedding officiant, not a wedding planner.   

I will only be able to assist with things related to the ceremony, not wedding reception.      

Q: I'm already married and just want the ceremony, not the legal stuff.        

  Can you do that?

A. Yes!  I definitely can.  

I can officiate a ceremony for civil unions, vow renewals, and other domestic union or partnership.